KS4 Options 2024 - 25
Important date for your diary: Year 9 options evening Wednesday 27th November
Choosing subjects in Year 9 to study at GCSE can be both exciting and daunting for students and parents alike. You will find below information required to help you through the process. In addition to this information, all parents and students will be invited to an information evening on Wednesday 27th November. You will find out more about the process and information about each of the subject areas on offer. Following this, all students and parents will be invited to a 1:1 meeting with a member of staff to discuss option choices and to receive further guidance. All students will sent a link to an online platform to make their final choices. The deadline for submission is Friday 13th December.
What Subject Choices Do Students Have?
All students in Year 10 and 11 must study the following subjects:
- English Language GCSE
- English Literature GCSE
- Maths GCSE
- Science Combined GCSE (awarded 2 GCSEs)
- Core PE (non examined)
- PHSE (non examined)
- RE (non examined)
All students then must study AT LEAST ONE of the following subjects:
- Computing GCSE
- French GCSE
- Geography GCSE
- History GCSE
NOTE: Students and parents will be given advice on how to make this choice as part of the information evening and 1:1 meetings.
Students will then chose 2 additional options from the following subjects:
- Art
- Business
- Child Development
- Computer Science
- Engineering
- French
- Geography
- Graphics
- Health and Social Care
- History
- Hospitality and Catering
- Land Based Studies
- Music (students must be taking graded examinations in an instrument, for example with Music Partnership North, to take GCSE music)
- Product Design
- Sports Studies
NOTE: Graphics and Product are unable to be taken together.
NOTE: Students and parents will be given advice on how to make this choice as part of the information evening and 1:1 meetings.
These subjects include both GCSE and vocational qualifications. More information on these can be found below.
In addition to the taught curriculum, students are encouraged to take part in the wide range of extra curricular and enrichment activities on offer. Please visit the link for more information.
What To Do Now
Once you have have attended the open evening on Wednesday 27th November, look through the information on the website for each course. You will receive an appointment for a 1:1 meeting. Ahead of this appointment consider the following:
- What subjects am I most likely to succeed in? (this is the most important consideration of all)
- What subjects would I enjoy?
A link to an online platform called Edval will be sent to all students following 1:1 meetings. Students must make choices by Friday 13th December.
NOTE: All courses and choices are provisional at this stage. They are subject to minimum and maximum numbers and staffing as well as the ability to timetable. Confirmation of choices will not take place until later in the academic year.
What To Do If I Have Questions
In the first instance, contact your tutor or for subject specific questions, the teacher of that subject.