Berwick Academy

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Course Information

You will use and advance many skills you learned at GCSE and add to them new skills in solving more complex problems with a greater use of technology.


Through the course you will develop an increasing awareness of the power of mathematics in describing and interpreting the world. Discussing how to approach various types of problems is a key part of the course, along with mathematical proofs and applications

Across Year 12 and 13 you will cover pure mathematics, statistics and mechanics.

Within Pure Mathematics you will cover Proof, Algebra and Functions, Coordinate Geometry, Sequences and Series, Trigonometry, Exponentials, and Logarithms Differentiation, Integration, Numerical Methods and Vectors.

Within Statistics you will cover Sampling, Data Presentation and Interpretation, Probability, Statistical Distributions and Hypothesis Testing. Within Mechanics you will cover Quantities and Units, Kinematics, Forces and Newton's Laws and Motion




This subject is assessed through final examination.


Transferable Skills

Logical thought and reasoned argument 

Modelling problems and problem-solving 

Analytical skills 

Communication skills 


What can I use this qualification for?

Mathematics will enable you to progress onto university, apprenticeships or employment opportunities. 


Here are some career choices it could help with: 

  • Engineering and science 
  • Accountancy and finance 
  • Actuary 
  • Investment analysis  
  • Teaching  
  • Economist  
  • Data Analyst